For some reason my website went down for about 2 weeks, so I moved the hosting to and hopefully I wont have to deal with disappearing websites anymore! Several things have happened in the last 2 weeks, the big news is that I got juried into an art show! Liquid Sunset and Reaching for the sky (a new painting) were juried in on January 19th into the Celebration Of Artist show presented by the Peoria Arts Commission. The show runs till February 2nd at the Peoria City Hall.

I have also started my classes at GCC. This will be an interesting next few months, if not exhausting. Im hoping I can find the time to paint between school and work, so far it has been a bit elusive. Im hoping as I settle into the schedule i can find a few extra hours here and there to paint.
I currently have this sunset painting on my easel, it is 24"x24" on hardboard. I was inspired by some fellow forum members at Marty and Brainless for thier magnificent skys. I hope when it is done it will look half as good as thiers!
Well thats all that is exciting and new that I have the time to type about right now. :)