Tuesday, May 31, 2011

a couple new paintings

I have a couple new paintings to deliver to the gallery.  The first is based on a photo by photographer Bill Glenn and is used with his permission.  I have changed several elements from the original photo.
Cades Cove
Pastel 9"x12"

This second one is from a photo I took recently.  This is Meigs Falls in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park.  Easy to miss if your not looking for it.
Meigs Falls
Pastel 9"x12"

I hope that you enjoy, this is beautiful country I live n now and hope to have alot more coming soon.  Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Finished Taffy and a few more paintings

I been very busy with several paintings.  First I finished Taffy

And then I did a couple local scene paintings
First is Smoky Mountain Sky
This is a pastel that measures 12"x18"
And this one is Mountain Creek
It is a Pastel and measure 13"x10.5"

 This next one is Fog in the Smokies
It is a Pastel and Measures 9"x12"

And thats what i have for you at this point, I hope you enjoy and thank you for looking!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

More progress on taffy WIP

Almost there with Taffy, about 75% done, hopefully I will be finishing her up tomorrow.  Nothing like painting a big fluffy black dog in snow LOL this one has been quite a challenge for me and I am struggling a bit with the reference and the painting but it is coming along.

taffy, pastel, 18"x24" WIP

Monday, May 02, 2011

Miss Kitty Portrait and Taffy WIP

I just finished a cat portrait and I am starting a new dog portrait.  The cat is Miss Kitty and it was painted in Pastels.  The painting measures 9"x12" and the client loved it :)

The dog I just started is still in that proverbial ugly stage but it is a big painting, 18"x24".  It is still a work in progress and hopefully will be completed by the end of the week.

Trying to keep busy!