wow been awhile since i posted ... didnt realize I went this long! Thousand lashes with a wet noodle for me! Anyway i been busy with this dat and da udder thing this week. My cat Sienna had her tummy tuck and pedicure this week, had classes to teach at Michaels and I went back to the Phoenix art Museum for the Rembrant exhibit and attended an art association meeting. Also particpated in the downtown phoenix Artwalk on friday, it was slightly better then normal as I sold a few prints and a small painting (normal is selling nothing).

First Friday Artwalk
The good news for this week is that i got juried in for the Celebration of Artist show in Peoria city Hall. i didnt enter my best paintings as there was issues with size and another show in Glendale overlapping this one, but I guess what i entered was good enough!

Rock Pool (work in progress) 16"x20 oil
Since posting last time I havent really done much art.. i reworked the Winter Sails painting a bit on Monday and on thursday i started the Rock Pool painting which is almost finished. Both in oils. I'll be doing more pastels this week coming i hope.