I have always struggled with my purpose here. I have always felt it was to be an artist and I continue to feel that way. But although that's what I feel my purpose is, is that God's purpose for me? How do you discern the will of God? If it was God's will would it be such a struggle? Or is the struggle God's will for me?
All I can do is continue on til He smacks me upside the head eventually with the answer. In the meantime, since I have posted last there have been some ups and downs, I did not get into the Art Market Gallery but I had 3 paintings accepted into the Biscuit Festival's juried show. Although I have not had a painting class to teach in 3 weeks, I sold 2 paintings in 2 days this week! I also found out this week that the Wyndham Resorts classes fell through because of company policies (I am not quite sure what policies they are but there is so much red tape in that company its a wonder they get anything done). That was quite a disappointment as it is one of the largest resorts around. The roller coaster of my life.
One project I worked on since my last post was a painting I donated to my church. One of the themes we have been following at church is that if you want to walk on water you need to get out of the boat. There was a special offering last week and although I don't have much extra money to offer, I can offer a painting.
If you want to walk on water...
Oil on canvas
20" x 24"
Private Collection
Oil on canvas
20" x 24"
Private Collection
I enjoyed painting it and although people are not my strong suit, it came out OK I think.. I prayed a lot over it and I know it is flawed, as am I. I think perhaps I need to step out of the boat myself..... and then maybe I will learn God's will for me.