Davinci's Mona Lisa (sort of) on a crushed soda can

Van Gogh's Stary Night on a crushed soda can

They both come mounted in the frame and available on my etsy shop and currently on SALE! :)
I am a Christ follower and an Artist, those are the two main things that define who I am. Of course there is much more to me then that but those are what I feel are most important. This blog is where I will ponder both of these aspects of my life, where they intertwine and where they might even collide.
Good news, the painting, New Beginnings was accepted into the show at the JAG gallery so I am pretty excited. When the show is over and if it hasn't sold it will be listed on 1km. (really hoping it sells). I'll post more details on the show when i have them.
Have you ever had one of those days? Days when you should probably have never gotten out of bed? Sunday was that day for me. Without going into a long drawn out depiction of the day, i scalded my hand with boiling water (it is mostly ok, ran cold water over it immediately), got a flat tire, while with someone else that day her car's battery died, and then to top it off, while carrying a 70lb air compressor down a set of stairs i missed a step and fell down the stairs. Banged up a bit but otherwise ok... what a day! Kind of afraid to paint now... i might poke an eye out with a brush or drink some turps! LOL
After the Storm