I am a Christ follower and an Artist, those are the two main things that define who I am. Of course there is much more to me then that but those are what I feel are most important. This blog is where I will ponder both of these aspects of my life, where they intertwine and where they might even collide.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
a few new paintings
I have done a few paintings over the last week, first a very small 4"x6" painting out of my head
Rivers Edge 4"x6" pastel

Next is a boat on the bay at sunset, not sure about this one, maybe its to dark or just to boring...
Boat on the bay 9"x12" pastel

This last is based on a Marsh in Cape Cod, Ma. I embellished a bit because it was really very boring
Cape Marsh 9"x12" pastel

Today I am off to hang paintings for a local show i am in ( http://laureltonart.com/Festival_in_Art_2009.pdf ) and tomorrow one of my paintings is getting picked up for the Art Of Goodness art auction that I donated it for.
Anyway, off to hang paintings, thanks for looking!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Barnegat Sunset
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
The Great Escape (from the talking heads)
A friend of mine is a known painter of pears. He painted a series which he made into a book called The Secret Life Of Pears. So I was in an art chatroom with a bunch of artist and several of us realized we had never painted pears before so Joe challenged us to paint them.
I found them to be fun.. they are a fun shape, and very uncomplicated, which, in this very complicated world was quite refreshing.
It reminded me that I should turn off the talking heads, stop thinking about the tangled mess the world is in and paint more, simplify my world, my outside influences and focus on that blank canvas (which can be scarier then the crashing stock market..) and make a mark, and another till something beautiful or at least pleasing emerges.
So I painted the Great Escape, the one pear breaking away from his cello prison :)
And now I should turn off the news with all their doom and gloom and the sky is falling rhetoric and head to my easel!
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
and the winner is...
Thanks for participating, it was fun and will do another at the end of the month!
Results were determined on random.org
Thursday, February 26, 2009
I have been on artfire for a couple months now and I am amazed that according to google analytics my shop traffic has grown 890% in the last few weeks! I am now getting more views on artfire then on etsy! Someone is doing something right. Anyway, if anyone wants to join artfire, they are $7 a month for life, but they only have 1500 $7 spaces left. If you want to consider joining, i would appreciate it if you used this link
Register on ArtFire.com
So I can get credit for the referal. Anyway, happy shopping and selling.. im off to paint a few crushed can request.. I'll post them later today!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
End Of Month Giveaway!

Its the end of the month and I have decided to host a giveaway of any print in any of my shops! Its simple to enter! Browse my shops located at 1000 Markets, Artfire and Etsy and leave a comment here on my blog about what you liked best!
I would also love to know what you would like to see me do more of! It would be great if you could blog and/or twitter about this giveaway! Be sure to leave a way to contact you so I can let you know if you won, winners will be choosen by random.org.
If you are the winner, you'll receive one print of your choice from the shops listed!
Contest Ends March 2nd, Winner will be announced March 3rd!
IF you find any item you would like to buy during this
contest in my shops, email me and I will give you
20% off the entire purchase!
artbyjoni [at] gmail.com
(use the @ symbol and let me know you came to my site through this contest)
Open to everyone, anywhere :)
Good Luck!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Gallery Opening on Saturday
This is my sister outside the gallery

A view of the Gallery

2 of my pieces

the flag is one of mine

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
New Painting Snow Creek
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
NEW Obama crushed can art
Obama cans for Obama fans
Lucky Day!
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
The New Show I am in at JAG fine art
on Valentine’s Day, Saturday, February 14th from 5-7 pm.
Wine, cheese and chocolate. Stop by before your hot dinner date.
“American Colors:
Red, White and the Blues“
Paintings and photographs that celebrate and critique American culture in a time of severe economic turmoil and great political hope under the first black President of the United States.
Remember to support the arts and artists of your community!
Painters: Gwen Gavios, Rachel Gavios, Melissa Bartlett, Katelyn Schuh and Joan Swanson
Photographers: John Andrulis, Ariana Lance, Gene Szucs and Alison Dunlap
Visit http://jagfineart.com/ for more information!

Monday, February 02, 2009
more soda pop art :)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Classic Art.. on a crushed can!
Davinci's Mona Lisa (sort of) on a crushed soda can

Van Gogh's Stary Night on a crushed soda can

They both come mounted in the frame and available on my etsy shop and currently on SALE! :)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
one of those days...
Good news, the painting, New Beginnings was accepted into the show at the JAG gallery so I am pretty excited. When the show is over and if it hasn't sold it will be listed on 1km. (really hoping it sells). I'll post more details on the show when i have them.
Have you ever had one of those days? Days when you should probably have never gotten out of bed? Sunday was that day for me. Without going into a long drawn out depiction of the day, i scalded my hand with boiling water (it is mostly ok, ran cold water over it immediately), got a flat tire, while with someone else that day her car's battery died, and then to top it off, while carrying a 70lb air compressor down a set of stairs i missed a step and fell down the stairs. Banged up a bit but otherwise ok... what a day! Kind of afraid to paint now... i might poke an eye out with a brush or drink some turps! LOL
Thursday, January 22, 2009
New Beginnings Oil on canvas 24"x12"

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
possible piece for an upcoming show

Friday, January 16, 2009
Brrrr... its cold out there! Good day to stay in and paint!
After the Storm
Thursday, January 15, 2009
new shop at 1000markets!
Check out the shop at http://www.artbyjoni.1000markets.com
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
crushed can art

So I crush the can as flat as I can, of course cleaning them out first, and then paint the side to be painted with gesso. The I paint the imae with acrylic paints and sprays it with a clear enamel to protect the painting. I then glue the can to a piece of acid free mat board and place it in the frame.
So will give it a try and see if any sell.. the electric company is calling so I sure hope they do!! LOL
Monday, January 12, 2009
The waiting begins in the jurying process

Thursday, January 08, 2009
new website design is up
Have a wonderful day!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Morning Sail

Morning Sail 9"x12"
Available Here
Finished this one up today, enjoyed painting it. The reference I used was from a photo I took on my trip this fall to Cap Cod. Feel free to leave comments or critiques.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Summer Carousel in Oils

Summer Carousel 12"x16" oil
Available for sale here
I look forward to a prolific new year and hope to advance my art marketing skills for 2009, do a few shows, sell a few paintings :)
Happy New Years!